The Great Friendship Project is a non-profit organisation set up in 2021 to tackle loneliness, in response to the epidemic of loneliness amongst young adults following the COVID-19 pandemic.

We run regular events, activities and community initiatives to help young adults in their 20s and 30s connect, build life-long friendships and make amazing memories in the process.

We recognise that true and lasting friendships can’t be built on a one-off event and so every week, we host a variety of community events from social walks, games evenings, pub socials, activity nights to picnics.

Alongside this, campaign for greater awareness around issues of youth loneliness to tackle the stigma, influence policy and bring about wide-scale social change.

From Loneliness to Belonging – My Story

Hi there! My name is David, and I am the founder of The Great Friendship Project.

Since founding the community back in November 2021, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been asked why I started this community and what inspires me to set up the project.

After much thought, I’ve decided it’s time to share my personal journey – a story of loneliness, the search for belonging, and the unexpected path that led me to create a community that has become so much bigger than I could have ever dream. From navigating the complexities of adult friendships to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, my experiences have taught me the importance of connection, belonging, and community.


What People Say

“The event was awesome. Definitely the best group I’ve come across for meeting new people in London”

“I moved here 8 months ago and through this group I’ve met so many wonderful people. The group is fantastic and everyone is so friendly.”

Come as strangers.

Leave as friends.