Building friendship and community

The Great Friendship Project is a non-profit set up in 2021 to tackle young adult loneliness through community events, befriending initiatives, awareness campaigns, and social change advocacy.


Our Mission

Learn more about our mission to tackle youth loneliness across London and beyond.

Community Events

All year round, we run a range of different events, and activities to build connection and community.

Facts and Statistics

Today, we face a loneliness crisis with a range of far-reaching health and economic implications.

From Loneliness to Belonging – My Story

People often ask what inspired me to launch the project in 2021. Today, I’m sharing my journey – my battles with loneliness, the quest for belonging and the unexpected path that led to a community far beyond my wildest dreams.

Upcoming Events

View and RSVP to our friendship-oriented events across London for young adults in their 20s and 30s.


What People Say

“The event was awesome. Definitely the best group I’ve come across for meeting new people in London”

“I moved here 8 months ago and through this group I’ve met so many wonderful people. The group is fantastic and everyone is so friendly.”

Come as strangers.

Leave as friends.